Mr. Leslie Awere-Kyere is the Chief Executive of Awere-Kyere & Associates (AKA) since 2008. He holds an MBA Degree from the University if Leicester and BSc. Degree from the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology .
He has more than 35 years of experince in a wide variety of civli engineering infratructure projects. His roles have ranged from materials investigations and quality assurance to the project management of teams for the delivery of large infrastucture projects in Ghana. He brings his vast local experience to bear to the evaluation of existing infractructure and the physical assessment of the project right of way with respect to pavement, drainage and material requirements.
As a team leader for the engineering design of a variety of projects his ability to assemble local expertice and knowledge of the terrain will be of invaluable benefit to the assignment.
Mrs. Ernestina Swatson Eshun has 30 years of experience since graduating with an honours degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Science & Technology, Kumasi, Ghana after which she proceeded to obtain a Masters in Transportation Engineering from the Imperial College.